The Golden Key

I am a seeker. I’m always looking for more. More wisdom, more truth, more answers. My mind is active, my questions are many. I’ve found answers, kept some, discarded others. I continue searching – searching for that place of peace and quiet, settledness of mind.

So as I consider the question, where would I go if I had a golden key that would open any door, it didn’t take long for me to realize that I have already had the door open to that place. The key is meditation, and the place is mysterious.

I close my eyes, take a few deep breaths, and focus inward, and my mantra flows in the background. Just the act of closing my eyes opens the door to a new world. Thoughts arise, thoughts fall, I bring my attention back to center- it becomes a sort of dance, a flow. I gradually relax, tension releases. Sometimes there are many thoughts swirling around, and I wonder “is this really meditation?” Other times I am so tired I fall asleep. Then there are the special moments when I see something profound, or have a brilliant idea — but don’t remember it later.

These are a few of the things that happen to me during meditation. What I was taught is to practice nonjudgment about whatever happens. The point is to take the time (for me, it is 30 minutes, twice daily) to sit and be with myself. There is a cleansing, a releasing, that happens during meditation. Sometimes I feel a great deal of energy, particularly in my hands and feet. Always, without me even noticing it, there are those moments when I slip into “the gap”, that place between thoughts, where peace resides.

Over time, in daily life, I realize that I am less reactive, and others who know me say “there’s something different about you.”

I think everyone experiences something different, because we are all unique. What happens to you, when you sit with yourself?



6 thoughts on “The Golden Key

  1. Thanks for sending me this link. Very interesting what you have to say! Funnily enough, a friend said to me recently that I was different, happier and my voice sounded relaxed and positive. So I guess the meditation is kicking in though I didn’t realise it. I might increase the length of time I meditate though – have only been doing about 10 – 20 minutes a day. Thanks again!

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  2. They say that even 5 minutes makes a difference – and 20 minutes is great! The reason that I meditate 30 minutes twice daily is that I learned primordial sound meditation at the Chopra Center and that is the recommendation. In the morning I meditate when I wake up in the wee hours and usually take a little snooze after. Evenings I usually sit right after work – great way to shake off the mental stress of the day.
    Thanks for your comments!

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