After Thanksgiving

I have had a cold.

I rarely get sick, but when I do, even a little, it puts me in a funk. So I didn’t do the last Photography 101 assignments. I am considering getting a “real” camera, but not sure. I imagine taking award winning photos and becoming famous for my amazing pictures.

I enjoyed Thanksgiving day, partook of a not so traditional meal with a non-traditional family. It was wonderful. Drank a good bit of good red wine. That evening I became feverish with a severe sore throat, but was better by the next morning due to some TLC from Robert and  a long sleep. The rest of the weekend I’ve been congested in my head, have drunk a lot of tea and rested, and am much better. Off to work I go this morning.

I am grateful for my family — scattered grown up children, ghosts of Thanksgivings past, when we’d have small children everywhere, 20+ at the table.

I am grateful for my present day friends – good food, good conversation, laughter and warmth.

I am grateful for my day to day life – the man in my life, the roof over my head, plenty to eat, clothes to wear.

I am grateful for the internet and social media – learning new ways to connect with people all over the world — hearing your thoughts and struggles, hoping to be an encouragement.

May your week after Thanksgiving be a time of renewed connection, mended relationships, and hope.


3 thoughts on “After Thanksgiving

  1. I love this post! Sorry your feeling so icky! Looking forward to following your blog – sounds like we might have a bit in common. You know…red wine, friends, red wine, love of photography… did I mention the wine? 😉 Have a superbly awesome day! ~Cat


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